
July 2023 Newsletter

Private Land Tree Planting Programs in Ontario

Ontario-based tree-planting program run by a not-for-profit charity, Forests Ontario. It is funded by the Government of Canada, corporate sponsors, and donors. The program provides technical and financial assistance to landowners to plant trees on their property, helping to increase forest cover across the province by reducing the costs of large-scale tree planting. Landowners must have enough space to plant a minimum of 500 trees, approximately half an acre (0.5 ac) of open land or 1000 meters for a windrow or riparian buffer planting.

To participate in the 50 MTP, apply online at A Forests Ontario staff member will contact you, once the application is approved, the landowner is referred to a local forestry professional/planting partner. A site visit will be made, and if the site is eligible for planting, the planting partner will develop a preliminary planting plan and provide a cost estimate. Then, the planting partner and the landowner then agree to the planting plan, and the landowner enters into an agreement. After that, the planting partner and landowner carry out the duties of the planting agreement (e.g., site preparation, planting, tending, planting quality and survival assessments). Survival assessments are completed by the planting partner up to year five when the tree reaches a 'free to grow' status and can successfully establish into a young forest.

For example, Rideau Valley Conservation has a tree planting program that is subsidized by the City of Ottawa's green Acres Program for home owners that live within the city limits can have trees planted for 15 cents per tree!  Landowners must have a minimum of 0.4 Ha (one acre), minimum purchase requirement of 1000 trees and can reasonably protect the trees from damage.  The program includes these services:  on-site assessment from a qualified forestry staff member that will make a customized tree planting plan for your lands specific needs. They will prepare the site ,order the trees, plant , tend to them and will follow up with survival assessments.   Go to and click on Stewardship & Grants to find more information about the program and who to contact.  In Eastern Ontario you may reside within the jurisdiction of South Nation, Raisin Region or Cataraqui Region conservation authorities, all of whom have tree planting programs available for private land tree planting. 

Tree Canada's grants support stewardship initiatives for school groups and communities.  They have a 'Greening Canada's School Grounds' that can be granted to any kind of school, elementary to university.  A second grant called  'Edible Trees' is meant to help combat food insecurity and a third grant called 'Treemendous Communities' is for municipalities, non-profit organizations, associations and community groups.  Grant applications are currently closed un till this fall.

Resources: Forests Ontario website, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority website, Tree Canada website